Rainsong Forest

Silkkassan Region

Can be home to characters.

Lush temperate rainforest.

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The southernmost portion of Silkkassa is made up of temperate rainforest. Winters are mild and mostly rainy, but there is occasional snow. Spring, summer, and autumn are also fairly rainy, leaving these forests covered in moss and lichen. Mushrooms thrive here, and so do shroomkin. Old-growth forests in this region boast an amazing array of biodiversity, making them a hot destination for foragers who make medicines and culinary items alike. Bogs, lakes, and rivers abound, with some stunning waterfalls. The terrain is somewhat rocky and hilly.

Notable features:
-The Aiti Pool at the foot of the southern Buckh Mountains.
-Flowerveil; a floral valley between branches of the river near Reheva.
-Aiti’s Grotto; a clearing surrounded by rocky cliffs at the foot of the mountains. 
-Kiilua caves; well-hidden caves at low elevation in the Buckh Mountains. These caves are home to bioluminescent creatures known as glow worms, which make a spectacularly beautiful scene. Shroomkin are very familiar with these caves.

Associated Event

Aiti Beast Trials: Aiti Beast Trial 1: Villoso

Associated Gallery Submissions

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