
Silkkassan Village

Can be home to characters.

A place for: rugged survival, hunters, blacksmiths.

Art by LordStarryFace


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Pronunciation: voor

Vuur is a village existing in a place some would think impossible to thrive. The people rely heavily on their elkhs for travel here, especially when the snow gets dense. This village is on a stark tundra without much to offer for food throughout most of the year, so Vuur villagers depend on gathering, fishing, and hunting for most of their sustenance, though they do import some food as well. Ice fishing and seal hunting are important in the winter. Vuurans sell and export crafts made from bone and antler, and are some of the finest weapon crafters in the nation. Their nickname of “the flame” comes from their strong reputation for amazing blacksmiths with tools and weapons sought out by all of Silkkassa. They are also said to know how to make the best warm drinks. A monument with an ever lasting fire burns on a pedestal along the sea, both as a beacon to ships and wayward souls buried at sea.

Biome: Tundra

Ambassador: Liekki

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