Wild Pact


Can be joined by characters.

For wild beps in Silkkassa


To be wild and unbound, that is the pact a bepotelkh can make with the untamed lands of Silkkassa. Either by choice or birth, your bepotelkh is roaming the continent perhaps with a sense of adventure or trepidation. There is a life to be made among the animals and other wild bepotelkh who still follow the old ways. What troubles or blessings does your bepotelkh face in the wild, do they come upon friendly strangers, are the elements kind to them?

Faction Ranks

Member Ranks

Stray: Your bepotelkh lives in the wilds of Silkkassa. (0 Rank Points)
Solo Nomad: Your bepotelkh wanders alone in the wilderness. (1 Rank Points)
Friendly Traveler: Your bepotelkh has made other wild friends to wander with from time to time. (2 Rank Points)
Curious Traveler: Your bepotelkh has met new, strange travelers in their ramblings. (3 Rank Points)
Pilgrim: Your bepotelkh has sought out Aiti's shrine to reaffirm their life journey. (4 Rank Points)
Voyager: Your bepotelkh has traveled far, seen new things, and made new friends. (5 Rank Points)
Nomadic Friend: Your bepotelkh has many friends in many places. (6 Rank Points)
Hardy Rambler: Your bepotelkh knows how difficult the wild life can be, but they are ready to face these challenges. (7 Rank Points)
Wild Wanderer: Your bepotelkh knows the wilds of Silkkassa they call home, from tiny seedling to fellow elkh to the tallest tree. (8 Rank Points)

Members: 126 ・ See All