General Shop

General Shop

What appears to be a mysterious dog is quietly waiting for you to choose an item.
(This is the "out of character" or non-canonical shop)


Random Companion
Random Companion
Cost: 0 Gildes
Max 1 per user
Starter Box
Starter Box
Cost: 0 Gildes
Max 1 per user
Cannot be transferred after purchase
Character Creation Items
Elkh MYO Ticket
Elkh MYO Ticket
Cost: 30 Gildes
Fawn Breeding
Fawn Breeding
Cost: 30 Gildes
Habapi Breeding
Habapi Breeding
Cost: 30 Gildes
Shroomkin MYO
Shroomkin MYO
Cost: 0 Gildes
Max 3 per user
Shroomkin MYO
Shroomkin MYO
Cost: 10 Gildes
Silkkassan MYO
Silkkassan MYO
Cost: 0 Gildes
Prompt Boosts
Fawn Growth
Fawn Growth
Cost: 20 Gildes
Wild Speak Blessing
Wild Speak Blessing
Cost: 50 Gildes
Max 2 yearly per user
Working Gear
Working Gear
Cost: 50 Gildes
Max 2 yearly per user