
Player Shops

"out of character" shops

In-World Shops

"in character" shops

Vocation Shops

Ascended Library
Ascended Library
(Requires Ascension Pearl)
Vocation General Shop
Vocation General Shop
(Requires Work Permit)
Vocation Shop: Agriculturalist
Vocation Shop: Agriculturalist
(Requires Vocation Badge: Agriculturalist)
Vocation Shop: Civil Duties
Vocation Shop: Civil Duties
(Requires Vocation Badge: Civil Duties)
Vocation Shop: Craftselkh
Vocation Shop: Craftselkh
(Requires Vocation Badge: Craftselkh)
Vocation Shop: Entertainer
Vocation Shop: Entertainer
(Requires Vocation Badge: Entertainer)
Vocation Shop: Forager
Vocation Shop: Forager
(Requires Vocation Badge: Forager)
Vocation Shop: Magicker
Vocation Shop: Magicker
(Requires Vocation Badge: Magicker)
Vocation Shop: Merchant
Vocation Shop: Merchant
(Requires Vocation Badge: Merchant)
Vocation Shop: Ranger
Vocation Shop: Ranger
(Requires Vocation Badge: Ranger)
Vocation Shop: Royal Guard
Vocation Shop: Royal Guard
(Requires Vocation Badge: Royal Guard)
Vocation Shop: Scholar
Vocation Shop: Scholar
(Requires Vocation Badge: Scholar)
Vocation Shop: The Black Market
Vocation Shop: The Black Market
(Requires Vocation Badge: Illicit)