Site News

Autumnfound Arrives!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Herboreal

Autumnfound 2022

The nights become crisp, the days shorter, and the leaves begin to change. Autumnfound is here and it's time to celebrate!



We've brought back Acorn currency for this year's autumnfound! This currency is valued 1:1 with gildes, and can be exchanged for gildes anytime, but it's primary use is in the special Autumnfound Shop, which is now open in the Events Shop!


AUtumnfound Scavenger Hunt

Our Autumnfound scavenger hunt is back and elkh from all over are handing out the items! Can you find all 10?
Start with this clue to begin your hunt: This red bep lives in Kutoa and has a quiver of arrows.
The items are hiding in the elkh's profiles, inquire in the discord server if you need help and a mod will DM you!
Remember to open your scavenger hunt items once you find them!

Here is the scavenger hunt page to keep track of your progress.


Autumnfound Prompts will be available all season (September through November), but keep in mind that other events will start in October and November, so September may be the best time to focus on them!
Many are geared toward domestic Elkh, but Autumn Feast and Fall Colors can be entered with wild elkh (including aitielkh). Aitielkh can also participate in the costume contest (on their own terms- not in the village)! Prompts will be awarded acorns.

See WORLD > PROMPTS >Limited Prompts to find the Autumnfound prompts.


The Autumnfound shop



The Autumnfound Shop is now open in the Events Shop! Find retired autumn accessories, exciting gacha boxes, companions new and old, and other items for a lower cost during the event! These items are only available via earning acorn currency by participating in various Autumnfound events. Throughout the entire event, you'll be able to convert acorns to gildes at any time by sending in a claim and attach the amount of acorns you would like converted. You will be able to exchange buy acorns with gildes (using the shop) during the last week of the event (Nov 23-30). The Autumnfound Shop will close Dec 1st.

See WORLD >GILDE SHOPS >Events Shop to find the Autumnfound Shop.


New Traits and a new gacha box!

We're bringing back gacha boxes in the Autumnfound shop, and there's a brand new one this year with new items inside! You'll find potions that can give your elkh some lovely plant-themed markings (standard color rules apply). These will also be available in the Crystal Gilde shop!

Flower, Jungle leaves, Tree Leaves, and Forest Floor markings. Find details in the Encyclopedia!


There are also some new Aiti Rare Traits just in time for fall!

Mushroom growth and Mushroom Walking are now available to use with an Aiti Rare Potion (details in the encyclopedia!)

mimic trait

We've decided to introduce the Mimic Trait for those who enjoy creating beps that look like other creatures, but found the current traits & trait combinations too limited. This trait will allow any real-world mammal or bird marking to be applied to an elkh. This trait is restricted, meaning it is non-breedable; it's also currenly only available via custom commissions, but may be available for use on MYO designs in the future once we work out any kinks in the system :>
The price for the mimic trait is now listed in the custom guide; it is also available in the CG shop and thus can be bought with CG and applied to customs that way!



Check out the Elkh Shop for the newest seasonal bep accessories, available September through November! As always, there are also a set of retired accessories available. And, as a reminder, accessories can change color as you like to compliment your elkh's look! The colorways provided in the shop are simply options :>

To find the Elkh Shop, go to WORLD > GILDE SHOPS > Elkh Shop


Odds & Ends + What's ahead

  • The featured character is updated for August (see main page)! Earn 8 gildes for drawing them and submitting as a prompt.
  • October will bring a new Beast Trial for aitielkh!
  • November will see the return of another cherished Autumnfound event. Can you guess what it is?


Sono Free Raffle Design

This month's raffle design is by our dear MountainMadam aka Woolsey!

As always, you can enter for this raffle by making a gift for another user and submitting it under the Raffle prompt!

See WORLD > Prompts >Limited Prompts to find the Prompt Raffle- please check the submission guide if you need help learning how to submit prompts- or ask in our discord chat!



BT Wrap-Up! Starter Boxes! Wild Speak! More!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Herboreal

2nd Beast trials wrap-up!

The nibblers were deftly shooed away from the Lightning Master, who was able to recover and once again fiercely stand watch over the fulgarite beach,  always waiting to teach new aitielkh students how to dance with lightning. Does the Master seem a bit... humbled???

The Post-Trial Event Shop is now open for the month of August! As a reminder, we do have to clear out the earned MP in order to reuse the event tracker, so the shop is now Beast Tokens only!

Introducing Starter boxes

We've made starting out with Beps easier by creating Starter Boxes! These boxes are now available at the General Shop and are free; one per person! You can pick up a box regardless of how long you've played, so please enjoy your MYO and bonus gildes! Instructions for using the box are on the item itself, but of course we are happy to answer questions in the discord as well.

New MYO Bases

We thought it would be a good idea to provide some new bases for the sake of the MYO starter boxes! These can be used to more easily design your first MYO or to play around with design ideas before finalizing. You can find them on the Design Guide.


Wild Speak

Completing Village Stories prompts allows elkh to earn a Work Permit. Now, an equivalent reward has been created for Wild Pact: Wild Speak! An oft-requested feature, this will allow your elkh to speak fluently to animals and understand them as well! Complete the required Wild Pact prompts to earn this skill and recieve a bonus whenever it's featured in future prompts. As with the Work Permit, you may also buy the Wild Speak Blessing in the general shop.

Aitielkh inherently posess the ability to communicate with animals via telepathy or Wild Speak. Most elkh speak to wild animals and companion animals at the same level of understanding as a human has with their domestic pet.  The elkh can talk to the animal and depending on the relationship the animal has with the elkh, the animal may or may not understand them. Some bepotelkh who have lived in the wild long enough get blessed by Aiti and gain the WIld Speak ability. This ability allows Beps to use a combination of speech, chattering and body language to successfully communitcate with all animals, wild or domestic.

Odds & Ends

  • The featured character is updated for August (see main page)! Earn 8 gildes for drawing them and submitting as a prompt.
  • Note that this is the last month to buy Summer accessories in the Elkh Shop!
  • This month is a great time to complete more magic trials to hone aitielkh's skills for future beast trials. The next trial is in October!


Nubian sono ears + Free Raffle Design

Sonos can now enjoy the same floppy nubian ears beps have had for awhile now! In fact, this month's raffle design is sporting them!

As always, you can enter for this raffle by making a gift for another user and submitting it under the Raffle prompt!
(Go to WORLD > Prompts >Limited Prompts- please check the submission guide if you need help learning how to submit prompts- or ask in our discord chat!)


Stay tuned; Autumnfound is on the wind with more exciting new things.

Summer Beast Trials + Raffle!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Herboreal

Aiti beast trials RETURN!

This event requires your aitielkh to use their magic to subdue corrupted creatures. As the creature is subdued, aitielkh are awarded Magic Points, which will affect the outcome of the battle. You can track how far the group has come via the Events Tracking page.
You can see the events page by going to World > World Map > Events! Here's a direct link.

Full instructions can be found on the prompts page, by going to World > Prompts > Limited Prompts > Aiti Beast Trial 2.

Reminder that if you do not have an aitielkh, you can use Ambassador Noe once to earn a lv1 Beast Box!

Beast Boxes

The reward for participating in this battle is a beast box! The level of box you recieve for a prompt correlates directly to the level of magic your aitielkh used in said prompt. Beast boxes are gacha boxes with a chance of winning any one of the items inside of them. Chances are listed below.

Beast boxes now include beast tokens as well! The amount you get corresponds to the level of beast box (lv 1 gets 1 token and so forth). The beast token shop will open August 1st and remain open for 1 month; you will be able to use your tokens to purchase the Kirin Scale, Nibbler, or an aiti MYO.

Aiti rare trait potion (small) - 20% chance
Gildes (15) - 20% chance
Mysterious Carving- 20% chance
Spectral Mushrooms- 20% chance
Nibbler companion- 13% chance
Kirin Scale- 6% chance

Mysterious Carving- 30% chance
Spectral Mushrooms- 30% chance
Nibbler companion- 30% chance
Kirin Scale- 10% chance

Aiti rare trait potion- 25% chance
Nibbler companion- 50% chance
Kirin Scale potion- 25% chance

Kirin Scale

The featured prize in this round of Beast Trials is the Kirin Scale! This potion can be applied to aitielkh/sonoaitielkh only and allows your aitielkh to don scales of any color on any part of their body.


Key has provided us an adorable new bep to raffle off! Enter to win by making gift art! Full instructions are in World > Prompts > Limited Prompts. See entries by going to Browse >Raffles.



You are welcome to submit your Silkkassa-related artfight attacks to the gallery (or not!) and then submit them as a claim to get standard gift art currency!

Happy Summer + Chickens!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Nopalrabbit

Returning Prompt: Chickens!

Summer is here in Silkkassa and Miatias! That means the Summer Harvest Festival! Four new limited prompts are available only for the month of June. The prompts follow standard prompt guidelines (fullbody + minimal BG required) and are awarded standard gildes with bonuses. In addition to the gilde reward you may also pick one chicken of your choice! Do so by selecting  Add Reward -> Pet and then selecting which chicken you would like (Rooster, White, Wyandotte or Yellow) when submitting your prompt. Some prompts allow you to include your companion reward in the prompt itself! See the prompts at the Limited Prompts page!

Chicken companions are also available for purchase with gildes in our Event Shop!  (Once you buy a pet box, open it in your inventory and attach the companion to a character!)


New shop accessories

Millo has designed new shop accessories for suummer 2022! These will be available in the shop until August 31st. We have also brought back some retired summer accessories available at a higher price. Go to the Elkh Shop to check these out!


odds and ends

  • The featured character is updated for June (see main page)!
  • There is a new Raffle to enter (see limited prompts)!
  • Next month will have a new Beast Trial event so get those Aiti Magic trials done in preparation!
  • Reminder that in canon both aiti flower crowns and aiti patterns/constellations can be hidden at will by the aiti/sono aiti.
  • Reminder that the only accessories that have been bought in the shop or earned in events count toward the accessory bonus. You can see the full list of accessories HERE.
  • Chickens! Limited prompts are available for both Silkkassan and Miatian domestic and wild bepotelkh!

Chime Bep
Enter to win by making gift art! Limit two entries per player. Full instructions are in World > Prompts > Limited Prompts. See entries by going to Browse >Raffles.

Beast Trials Wrap-Up + News

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Herboreal

Villoso: Healed and Revealed!



The aitielkh did an outstanding job subduing and healing Lord Villoso. Now restored to his old self, his scores of boarlets flock in from the forest and join his side once again. Unfortunately, he seems to have no idea what happened to cause the malady that befell him. He is, however, very grateful for the assistance; he blessedly seems not to remember all the chasing, stick-smacking, fire magic, etc!

You can find him henceforth at World Map >Figures!


Post-Trial Event Shop!

As per user request, we have implemented a currency connected to beast trials, called Beast Tokens.
In the future, these will come in each Beast Box (in addition to the gacha items). The number of coins corresponds to the level of box: Lv 1= 1 beast token. Lv 2= 2 beast tokens. Etc. So, for example, if you did the trials the max of 5 times, and used lv3 magic on each, you could get a max total of 15 tokens per event. Doing 4 trails with level 1 magic would award you 4 tokens.
If users get the additional lv2 box for draining the event meter, that would award you an additional 2 tokens.
These are redeemable at the event shop, which is now open. It will remain open for all of May, and this is how it will be fore future events as well; The next Beast Trial will be in July; the seasonal shop for that trial will be open for all of August.
The items available in the shop include the event's familiar and the event's Big Prize, so in this case, the boarlet and overgrown mane potion.
Tokens are tradable with other users (however, like other game items and currency, they cannot be sold for USD).
Up to 2 tokens (per event) can be purchased in the seasonal shop using gildes if you are short.
You may hold onto your tokens for future events.

Your tokens (and the extra Lv2 Beast box for meeting the goal) should already be awarded to you if you participated in April's Beast Trials. If you feel you are missing some, please send in a Claim explaning the discrepancy and linking any relevant prompts. We appreciate your patience as we get all of this sorted out- and in the future this will run much more smoothly :> We hope you enjoy this added feature as a way of potentially being able to get items you missed out on!

There are also some very rare items available which you can use your Magic Points on, but you'll need to save them up throughout several trials!

The event shop can be found under World > Gilde Shops > Event Shop.


Odds & Ends

  • The featured character is updated for May (see main page)!
  • There is a new Raffle to enter!
  • Note that this is the last month to buy spring accessories in the Elkh Shop!

The Chestnut Boar raffle will be rolled today and there is a new raffle to enter:


Winter Frost Bepotelkh
Enter to win by making gift art! Full instructions are in World > Prompts > Limited Prompts. See entries by going to Browse >Raffles.

Aiti Beast Trials Begin! + Raffle!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Herboreal

Aiti beast trials are here!

This new type of event requires your aitielkh to use their magic to subdue corrupted creatures. As the creature is subdued, aitielkh are awarded Magic Points, which will affect the outcome of the battle. You can track how far the group has come via the Events Tracking page.
You can see the events page by going to World > World Map > Events! Here's a direct link.

Full instructions can be found on the prompts page, by going to World > Prompts > Limited Prompts > Aiti Beast Trial 1.

Beast Boxes

The reward for participating in this battle is a beast box! The level of box you recieve for a prompt correlates directly to the level of magic your aitielkh used in said prompt. Beast boxes are gacha boxes with a chance of winning any one of the items inside of them. Chances are listed below.

Aiti rare trait potion (small) - 20% chance
Gildes (15) - 20% chance
Tender Shoot bundle- 20% chance
Glowing Apparition- 20% chance
Boarlet companion- 13% chance
Overgrown mane potion- 6% chance

Glowing Apparition- 30% chance
Tender shoot bundle- 30% chance
Boarlet companion- 30% chance
Overgrown mane potion- 10% chance

Aiti rare trait potion- 25% chance
Boarlet companion- 50% chance
Overgrown mane potion- 25% chance

Overgrown Mane

The featured prize in this round of Beast Trials is the coveted overgrown mane potion! See examples of this restricted trait on the masterlist. This potion can be applied to aitielkh/sonoaitielkh OR bepotelkh/sonoelkh.


Key has provided us an adorable and very relevantly-themed bep to raffle off! Enter to win by making gift art! Full instructions are in World > Prompts > Limited Prompts. See entries by going to Browse >Raffles.

New Traits Added!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Herboreal

New traits

Some freqently requested antler traits have been added for beps (which can also be used for silkkassan aitielkh), as well as choosing to have no antlers or no tail.  Aitielkh have a variety of new rare traits as well.


New bep traits

Hemine Antlers (uncommon); similar to mule deer antlers
Coileus Antlers (rare); similar to whitetail deer antlers
Bambus Antlers (rare); they look like a certain famous deer's antlers
Null Antlers (rare); no antlers at all
Null Tail (rare); no tail at all

Bep rare trait potions can be obtained via gildes from the elkh gilde shop or via USD in the USD shop.

While these antler types can only be applied to beps and silkkassan aitielkh, null antlers and null tail can also be applied to sonoelkh.

New AIti rare traits


Halo Antlers (rare); antlers that connect at the center.
use a combination trait to change their look.
Rainbow eyes (small rare); eyes that appear to be two or more (gradient) colors
Light pupil (small rare); the eye's pupil is lighter than the iris
Dragon whiskers (rare); one to two long whiskers grow from the muzzle
Saber fangs (rare); tusks appear to be saber fangs

Aiti rare trait potions can be obtained via gildes from the aiti gilde shop or via USD in the USD shop.
All of these new aiti traits can be applied to sono aitis as well.

Site Opening & March News

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by ellusively

Please scroll down to NEW EDIT to read the new addendum!

Hello! As you probably know if you're reading this, the reason we were so quiet during February is we were busy preparing to move our entire ARPG group off of deviantART to our shiny new Lorekeeper website! That involved a lot of things, including:

  • Migrating the entire masterlist, which was quite a feat!
  • Uploading all our items, badges, locations, traits, and images for all of those! This includes some lovely new artwork by Herboreal!
  • Revamping our map, villages, and lore! Check that out here; we've got some brand new villages, some updated lore, and snazzy little icons for everything! We've also established regions so you can give your aitielkh a more exact location than "wild."

All Aboard!

  1. Register for an account. Your Lorekeeper account does not have to match your deviantART account, but you are welcome to use the same username for both. Users whohave registered on the site and verified their account by the end of March will receive a gift to welcome you to our new site!!
  2. Link an account for verification. This is to verify that you are, well, you! Right now you can use either your deviantART account or your Twitter account for verification. If you use your deviantART account, your characters will automatically be linked to your account, as most masterlist entries were uploaded using the deviantART account name for their ownership. 
  3. Submit a single link to your offsite player profile for migration by submitting a claim! This is only for people with preexisting records. If you do not have any gildes, items, traits, companions, etc. to transfer, please still submit a claim to receive  your March registration gift if you have registered on the site and verified your account by the end of March, but you will not have a player profile, inventory, or Trello bank account name! Not sure how to submit a claim? Check out our guide on Submitting Claims
    • While you're submitting our claim, make sure to add your choice of the following for your March registration gift! You can choose one of the following;
      1. 1x Rare Gacha Box
      2. 1x Rare Trait Potion
      3. 40 gildes
    • Please DO NOT do anything else your account that involves purchases, transfers, using items, attaching items to characters, or other bank/inventory/ownership changes until after your claim has been approved. You can; name your characters, edit their profile information, edit your user profile information, upload an avatar, rearrange your characters, name your companions, assign companions to characters, change companion variants.
    • Your claim should look something like this!

  4. Before you do anything else on your new Lorekeeper account, please check your profile for accuracy by comparing your Lorekeeper inventory, pets, and awards pages to your player profile.
    1. Check your Inventory for missing items.
    2. Check your Pets by going to your Profile and selecting Pets in the left-hand navigation under User. Make sure you have all the companions you should have! Please note that certain companions, like the Flowerhog and the Spectral Squirrel, have variants that you can manually select from your Pets page before you assign a pet to a character, as these are not, strictly speaking, different companions but rather different forms of the same companion.
    3. Check your Awards for missing badges.
    4. Check your Characters.
      • If your character is missing traits or has the wrong traits, please submit a report and add link the character. Make a note of what traits are wrong or missing. Please note that some elkh have had trait changes to better reflect their appearance in the masterlist art.
      • If your character is missing magic, please see our notes about ordered Prompts below!
    5. Check your MYO Slots.
  5. If there is anything amiss with your account, be it items, pets, characters, or anything else, please submit a report so we can help! Please make sure to include any links to proof of ownership or other links that are applicable to the situation. 
  6. Check out the Guides! Of particular interest will be:
    1. Getting Started
    2. Currency/Scoring Guide
    3. Submission Guide

NEW EDIT | Ordered Prompts

When you start investigating our Prompts, you may notice that you cannot submit certain prompts until you've completed others. This is intentional, as many prompts were structured this way before. However, you may notice that even though you've completed certain prompts before we moved to the new site, your progress hasn't carried over. Unfortunately, we cannot manually change that on our end, so here's the solution to this problem;

  1. Start a Prompt Submission and add a link to your original submission (or the reuploaded version in our Gallery if you prefer).
  2. Note in the comments that this is a resubmission worth zero gildes. If you are found to be resubmitting work without this note, any double-awarded gildes will be removed.
  3. Add the character(s) for whom the submission was for in the Add Characters section.
  4. Do not add any additional rewards.
  5. Submit!

You will need to do this once for any prompts that require a previous prompt be completed first! This includes Storylines and Aitielkh Magic Trials. Please note that while this will unlock these prompts for future submissions, you must still submit ordered prompts in sequential order.

  • If have additional aitielkh that are missing magic, please submit a claim and do the following;
    • Add your aitielkh in the Characters section.
    • Make a note of what magic they have and at what level. For example, Guinefyr's notes would be "Mastery: Friendly Fire, Awakening: Aiti's Healing, Rushing Waters, Lightning Strike."
    • Include links to the deviantART comments where they earned their magic. If you cannot find these proofs, please explain why!
  • If you have additional characters that previously completed Storyline prompts, please submit a claim and do the following;
    • Choose a Faction for your elkh on their profile page. You must do this prior to claiming Rank Points (RP). Changing your elkh's faction will reset all earned RP.
    • Add your elkh in the Characters section.
    • Make a note of what Storyline prompts they completed in the Comments.
      • Include links to the devinations where they completed these prompts. If you cannot find these proofs, please explain why!
    • Add 1 RP per completed Storyline prompt as character-specific rewards to your elkh.
  • NOTE: You may submit ONE claim with all of your aitielkh magic and elkh Storyline claims.

Gallery Entries

All entries submitted to the Gallery are eligible for a +1 gilde bonus! This is not related to the type of submission it is, so long as it is Bepotelkh related, so prompts, gifts, commissions, and personal work are all eligible! Of course, you may not submit the same piece more than once, and they must be appreciably different. No grinding!

March News

Featured Character

You'll now find the featured character on the site home page! This month's featured elkh is Bep-843!

Sono Races

The deadline for Sono Races has been extended until March 12, 2022 at 23:59:59 MST. That means you will have all day on March 12 to submit your prompts, but you must do so before midnight!

Scavenger Hunt

Get familiar with the site by particpating in our Settling In Scavenger Hunt! Earn gildes by finding sugar cubes, complete the Scavenger Hunt to get a Limited Edition Companion!

April Event

We will be releasing a brand new recurring event for you all in April! If you haven't already, you might want to see about completing some Aitielkh Magic Trials...