Site News

Autumnfound Beast Trials!

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by Herboreal


Beast Trials: scramble at the shadow well

The Messenger speaks to your aitielkh

As day turns to dusk your aiti feels wind pass by their flank, as they turn around to look at the cause, they see a curious creature. A corva, much larger than any usual bird or their species, with a stark appearance. This one is split right down the middle with one black side and one white. Many, many seasons have passed since any elkh has spotted this particular corva, for she is not any regular bird, she is a demigod, Corvääni, the messenger from the Goddess Aiti herself. 

“I come to you today, not with a message from Aiti, but with an urgent call from Afra, the justice of the shadow well. As you know, Afra guards the shadow well, keeping in balance the two opposite natures of shadow, compose and caprice. Without caprice shadow has no life or movement but without compose, shadows cannot be contained and spread everywhere, removing color from its surroundings. 

There has been a disruption at the well, Afra has been weakened and captured in her minish state, throwing off the balance of compose and caprice. We must release them and funnel the escaped shadow through them and back into the well. 

The escaped shadows may be tricky to spot, my children the corva can help guide you if you do not have shadow magic. Use your magic to free Afra, capture these shadows and restore balance to the Well. The shadows are much easier to catch if you yourself are trained in the art of Shadow Step.”

Afra captured in their minish form 

The messenger has alerted your aiti of the danger that has erupted from the shadow well? How did this even happen? Regardless there is no time. Use your aiti to catch the shadows sapping the color from environment. Once Afra is free from imprisonment they can funnel the shadows back into the Well regaining their true form. If your elkh does not have shadow step, wild corva can guide them. Helping your elkh separate the escaped shadow from regular darkness.

Help capture the shadows and return Afra to their full power!

The Shadow Well without Afra


Join in this Beast Trial with your aitielkh or habapi to earn Beast Boxes with special prizes! As always, if the group collectively meets the goal, every participant will receive an extra Lv2 Beast Box at the end of the event!

Track progress here!



Feathered mane, Feathered Ankles, and Feathered Ears


New aitielkh Restricted traits:

  • Feathered Mane: The mane appears to be made out of feathers instead of fur. This texture may extend to the tail "fluff" if applicable.
  • Feathered Ankles: Tiny wings appear in place of fetlocks.
  • Feathered Ears: The ears are feathered and wing-shaped. Capable of bending at the elbow just like a real wing.

New habapi Crystal traits:

  • Feathered Mane: The mane appears to be made out of feathers instead of fur. This texture may extend to the tail "fluff" if applicable.
  • Feathered Ankles: Tiny wings appear at the ankles.
  • Feathered Ears: The ears are feathered and wing-shaped. Capable of bending at the elbow just like a real wing.


  • Corva! Corva come in dark or light plumage. These birds are associated with Aiti and her companion/messenger Corvääni. These companions can join any elkh including non-aitielkh.



The reward for participating in this event is a beast box! The level of box you recieve for a prompt correlates directly to the magic your aitielkh used in said prompt. Beast boxes are gacha boxes with a chance of winning any one of the items inside of them. Chances are listed below.

Beast boxes include beast tokens as well! The amount you get corresponds to the level of beast box (lv 1 gets 1 token and so forth; habapi beast boxes always have two tokens). The beast token shop is open and will remain open Oct 1st through Nov 15th; you will be able to use your tokens to purchase the prizes unique to this event.

Feathered Ears Potion: 8.33%
Feathered Ankles Potion: 8.33%
Feathered Mane Potion: 8.33%
Corva Companion (Dark): 16.66%
Corva Companion (Light): 16.66%
Glowing Apparition: 16.66%
Aiti Rare Trait Potion (small): 25%

Feathered Ears Potion: 15.38%
Feathered Ankles Potion: 15.38%
Feathered Mane Potion: 15.38%
Corva Companion (Dark): 15.38%
Corva Companion (Light): 15.38%
Glowing Apparition: 23.07%

Feathered Ears Potion: 25%
Feathered Ankles Potion: 25%
Feathered Mane Potion: 25%
Corva Companion (Dark): 12.5%
Corva Companion (Light): 12.5%



Habapi Feathered Ankles Potion: 33.3%
Habapi Feathered Ears Potion: 33.3%
Habapi Feathered Mane Potion: 33.3%



Autumnfound Continues

Events listed in last month's news post are still going! Scavenger hunt, prompts, recruitment event, and more!


Monthly Shop Rotation

Captivated felvit and Liekki plush are available now and this month only!





FIRST PRIZE: Autumn Sunshine Shroomkin
THIRD PRIZE: 10 Acorns

Enter the raffle by going to the Autumnfound shop for one free ticket (MAKE SURE TO "OPEN" THE TICKET or else you will not be entered.) Get two additional tickets by making gift art! More information on the prompt.

See WORLD >GILDE SHOPS >Events Shop to find the Autumnfound Shop.
See WORLD > PROMPTS >Limited Prompts to find the Autumnfound prompts.


Site Fixes/Updates

  • Breeding guide has been updated with a COURTESY section which we strongly urge everyone to read.
  • Shroomkin NPCs are no longer on their own masterlist; some have been retired, and all are now on the regular shroomkin masterlist.



  • The Featured Character is updated on the front page!
  • There's a new Daily Calendar! Be sure to check in for some free Acorns and crafting materials!
  • Autumnfound continues next month!
  • Herboreal's custom prices have increased for Aitielkh customs.


Bepotelkh Lore of the Month

The trip between Silkkassa and Miatias may take 2-3 days sailing depending on the weather. A solar crystal powered steam boat takes half the time. Aitis with water magic mastery can make the trip on foot in a day or two, but it takes a lot of energy!


Ko-Fi & server Boost rewards

There are a few Bepotelkh tiers on Herboreal's ko-fi which award you monthly (and/or quarterly) goodies like premium currency and Beast Boxes! Help support the site & its creators by subscribing! While some previews are provided for discord boosters, full previews are only provided on ko-fi from the Beepersneeps Tier and up! Many, many hours go into the making of our game and the art + writing for it, so supporting us via ko-fi is a massive help. You gain access to the sponsor chat where we hold monthly sponsor-exclusive raffles, post early design WIPS and previews, and more!

You can also boost the Discord server and earn 1CG per boost per month, as well as access to the Sponsor chat. The sponsor chat get sneak peeks and sponsor-exclusive raffles. (We are thoroughly boosted at the moment!)

Autumnfound Returns! Vocations and Crafting Arrive!

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by Herboreal


Autumnfound 2024

Ambassador Henki enjoying the sights and scents of autumn.

Ambassador Henki enjoying the sights and scents of autumn.

The crisp autumn air and smell of decaying leaves herald the arrival of Autumnfound in Silkkassa once again! The last of the years crops are being harvested and fields prepared for next spring. Preserving food to enjoy through the winter has begun. Fruiting fungi are popping up everywhere, much to the delight of shroomkin.

In Miatias, the monsoons have come to an end, and the summer heat is beginning to dissipate. Many cacti and berry-producing trees are fruiting. Fall colors can be enjoyed in the canyons and in the mountains. Summer crops are being harvested while winter crops are planted. Fluffy desert broom seeds float through the air like snow.

Humans and elkh alike enjoy natures bounty and celebrate with stories, food, and festivities!


AUtumnfound Scavenger Hunt

Our Autumnfound scavenger hunt is back and elkh from all over are handing out the items! Can you find all 10?
Start with this clue to begin your hunt: This important figure can be seen in this news post (hint: they are in the WORLD)

Inquire in the discord server if you need help and a mod will DM you!
Remember to open your scavenger hunt items once you find them!

Here is the scavenger hunt page to keep track of your progress.


Art by MouseinSweater

Autumnfound Prompts will be available all season (September through November), but keep in mind that other events will start in October and November, so September may be the best time to focus on them!
Many are geared toward domestic Elkh, but Autumn Feast and Fall Colors can be entered with wild elkh (including aitielkh). Aitielkh can also participate in the costume contest (on their own terms- not in the village)! Prompts will be awarded acorns. Some prompts have Standard Prompt requirements and others only have Mini Prompt requirements so make sure to check!

Shroomkin delight during autumnfound and have their own Samhain Night holiday! Get acorns and shroomkin costumes for completing this prompt!

See WORLD > PROMPTS >Limited Prompts to find the Autumnfound prompts.

The Autumnfound shop



The Autumnfound Shop is now open! Find retired autumn accessories, exciting gacha boxes, companions, and other items for a lower cost during the event! These items are only available via earning acorn currency by participating in various Autumnfound events. Throughout the entire event, you'll be able to convert acorns to gildes at any time by sending in a claim and attach the amount of acorns you would like converted. You will be able to purchase acorns with gildes (using the shop) during the last week of the event (Nov 23-30). The Autumnfound Shop will close Dec 1st.

New Autumnfound Companions

Quiltfoxes are available in the Autumnfound Shop all season!

See WORLD >GILDE SHOPS >Events Shop to find the Autumnfound Shop.


September Raffle

FIRST PRIZE: Acorn Villa bep
THIRD PRIZE: 10 Acorns

Enter the raffle by going to the Autumnfound shop for one free ticket (MAKE SURE TO "OPEN" THE TICKET or else you will not be entered.) Get two additional tickets by making gift art! More information on the prompt.

See WORLD >GILDE SHOPS >Events Shop to find the Autumnfound Shop.
See WORLD > PROMPTS >Limited Prompts to find the Autumnfound prompts.


Recruitment Event

During all of Autumnfound, we're holding a recruitment event!
Bring a friend to the group! Once they're signed up on the site, send in a claim letting us know which user you referred, and you'll each recieve a Mosstopped Recruitment Box containing all of the following:
1 Fawn Roll Ticket
1 Rare Trait
20 Acorns (acorns can be exchanged for gildes via claim)
Exclusive Debris Bunny companion NEW! 50/50 chance of Debris Bunny or new Debris Bunny (desert)!

The debris bunny is a wild creature from Rainsong Forest. Its greenish coloration helps it blend in with ground mosses. It picks up sticks and other debris as it shuffles along, adding to its camouflage. In dangerous situations, it plants its face into the moss and appears as an unappetizing pile of debris. The desert debris bunny is similar but blends in more with the desert scenery, picking up bits of cactus which also provide extra protection!




Vocations & Crafting for Elkh

Bepotelkh Pride performing a Civil Duties vocation: delivering the mail!

What Are Vocations?

A vocation is a job or specialization that an elkh can participate in! In the past, we've provided a gilde bonus for elkh drawn with work gear. This will continue! However, once a vocation prompt is completed, elkh can have more of an "official" duty which will provide daily crafting item drops. Their vocation badge will also provide access to hidden shops where specialized recipes and retired accessories can be accessed and/or purchased!


Once an elkh has a work permit (can be obtained from the general shop OR by completing the first four storyline prompts for beps or sonos), and has then completed the vocation specialization prompt, they can:

  • Collect daily crafting item drops on the elkh's masterlist page
  • Access special hidden shops for exclusive recipes and retired items
  • Craft their vocation's companion
  • Craft their vocation's potions or enchanted accessories

See the Vocation Page here for details!


A Note to the few owners of Royal Guard Beps:

You are eligible for skipping some (but not all) prompts; send in the training prompt BLANK (but attach the character slug!) so we can unlock the second prompt & award all the goodies you get automatically! Applies to Beps: 133, 134, 289, 478, 604, 931, and 832 (thewyvernandthefox, galestormkitsune, key, pandelirious, mountainmadam, and fiachmara).

See >HOME >Crafting

See >WORLD >Prompts >Storylines

See >WORLD >Prompts >Vocation Prompts


What about Aitielkh?

Because they are above doing labor for humans, Aitielkh are not eligible for a work permit or vocation. However, we do have solid plans in the works for a similar feature for Aitielkh. Release date is TBD based on our ability to get everything done. If you want to support more features like this, joining the Ko-fi (or making one-time donations) can help free up more time for Timbre & Nopal to do work on the game (we've been working on vocations for a long time! Art assets alone took three months)!




New Autumn Accessories + MOnthly Shop Rotation

Now in the elkh shop:
New seasonal autumn accessories!
Monthly collectible plush: Ambassador Henki!
Monthly companion: Felvit (Loafing)!


New CG Shop Item: Train Pass

Attach this ticket to one Train Exploration Prompt to skip the prompt and instantly recieve the prompt awards.



Site Fixes/Updates

  • Exploration prompts now give standard gilde reward in addition to their prompt prizes. However players can only do the same exploration prompt twice per month
  • Some companions have had larger versions of their art uploaded to their encyclopedia entries for enhanced reference
  • Graphic added to the Guides page
  • Minor design guide edit to specify color usage in rolled fawn designs
  • Major habapi design guide edit
  • Fawn growth prompts revamped
  • Gilde Shops are now in categories
  • New prompt selection page
  • Followers of Aiti prompts moved to General Prompts (and are no longer storyline prompts)
  • General Shroomkin prompts moved to General Prompts
  • Currency guide tweaked to clarify simple vs complex backgrounds further
  • Profiles now feature 8 characters (up from 4) and inventory & companions boxes moved to side-by-side



  • The Featured Character is updated on the front page!
  • There's a new Daily Calendar! Be sure to check in for some free Acorns and crafting materials!
  • Beast Trials return in October!


Bepotelkh Lore of the Month

Silkkassans and Miatians do their best to live with the land, and are very conscientious about environmental impact. Generally, it’s culturally unacceptable to get more than what is needed from nature, or to let what was collected go to waste.


Ko-Fi & server Boost rewards

If you are subscribed on Patreon, please cancel ASAP! Herboreal is moving to Ko-fi due to some changes to Patreon billing. Sign up to ko-fi TODAY (SEPTEMBER 1st ONLY) to get 20 acorns!

  • If you already paid Patreon fees for September, you will still get your rewards. You may wish to wait until October to sign up for Ko-fi so you are not double charged! However, if you don't want to wait, I will deliver you your extra rewards!
  • Please contact Herboreal if you have any confusion over this, any questions, anything at all and I will do my best to help! @ Herboreal on discord.


There are a few Bepotelkh tiers on Herboreal's ko-fi which award you monthly (and/or quarterly) goodies like premium currency and Beast Boxes! Help support the site & its creators by subscribing! While some previews are provided for discord boosters, full previews are only provided on ko-fi from the Beepersneeps Tier and up! Many, many hours go into the making of our game and the art + writing for it, so supporting us via ko-fi is a massive help. You gain access to the sponsor chat where we hold monthly sponsor-exclusive raffles, post early design WIPS and previews, and more!

You can also boost the Discord server and earn 1CG per boost per month, as well as access to the Sponsor chat. The sponsor chat get sneak peeks and sponsor-exclusive raffles. (We are thoroughly boosted at the moment!)

BT Wrap-Up and Autumnfound Approaches: Storyline Bonus Month!

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Herboreal

King Cade Rests Again... For Now!

The aitielkh and habapi successfully wrangled cicadles from the structures they threatened long enough to delay complete destruction, but surely there will be some repairs and cleanup to do for some time. All participants will be given a participation award and Lv2 beast box for a successful victory.

The Beast Trial Shop will be open through August 15th so be sure to purchase what you need before it closes!

We aimed low due to a certain art game going on this month, but players knocked it out of the park!


Autumnfound Approaches: Storylines Gain New Importance!

With Autumnfound around the corner, we want to give everyone a chance to get going on storyline prompts before we drop a new game update that will require completing the first 4 prompts OR having a job class permit/wildspeak!

There is now a Storylines Guide if you need help getting started!


Art by Pandelirious

Storyline Focus Event is back! During these months, you may earn bonus currency for completing Storyline prompts without worrying about missing out on any special events. We hope to have these temporary bonuses occasionally during months where other events aren't scheduled. Storyline prompts include: Village Stories, Wild Pact, Oasis Dreams, The Desert Trail, Followers of Aiti, Trail of Mushroms, and Jungle Delights.

Please note that the new feature arriving in September ONLY applies to Bepotelkh and Sonoelkh; it does not apply to Aitielkh, Shroomkin, or Habapi. However, you are still welcome to participate in those storylines for the bonus this month if you wish!

When you submit your prompt, the bonus reward you get (in addition to standard currency) will be randomly generated.

50% chance: 3 Gildes
25% chance: 5 Gildes
20% chance: 7 Gildes
5% chance: 1 Crystal Gilde

Reminder: Recieve a 10CG award for completing any Storylines Path! This reward is available all year.



New Items Appear...

You may notice some new items appearing in the Daily Calendar this month! We won't provide details for now, but all will be revealed when Autumnfound begins Sept 1st! Be sure to sign up for the Daily Calendar Reminder role in the discord server if you'd like reminders to check in every day!


Felvits Are Here!

A new type of companion will be available going forward! Meet felvits (pronounced like "velvet")!
Felvits are omnivorous wild animals that can be captive raised, but aren't quite domestic. While native to the surrounding environment, some varieties have clearly been tailored toward human tastes. They have 5-toed grabby hands and are very nimble depending on the type, spending a lot of time in trees or otherwise up-high. Sharp claws for climbing and big ears for hearing All. They take well to living alongside humans and elkh as they enjoy picking off the pests that follow, such as small rodents and insects. They eat pretty much anything they can, including fruits and even (human-cooked) grains. They come in many body types and even a gliding type (the humans did not make this one and it's a questionable pet because it's highly capable of theft)!

(Out of canon note: Felvits are our version of cats for Silkkassaa, but they are a native animal thus stay in reasonable population with the environment they're in! We hope this scratches the cat itch!)


Pet Rotation to Begin in the Elkh Shop

Beginning this month, new pets will be rotated in the elkh shop on a monthly basis! We're starting with one of the new Felvits (the rest will be available in the future, one by one!).

Old companions and exploration prompt companions will continue to be rotated every season in the CG shop.



Site Fixes/Updates

  • Encyclopedia bug that caused items to not show or to show multiple times fixed
  • Tufted Squirrels (blue, white, and gray) got art updates (a hard refresh may be needed to see)
  • Work permit artwork has been updated (a hard refresh may be needed to see)
  • Shop icons updated (a hard refresh may be needed to see)
  • "Working Class" village stories prompt is changed to "Hard Worker"



  • The Featured Character is updated on the front page!
  • A new collectible plush is in the Elkh shop!
  • There's a new Daily Calendar! Don't miss out on this month as some new items start appearing!
  • There's now a ROLE in the discord for daily calendar reminders! Join the discord and see the #role-requests channel.
  • A guest artist/staff sale goes up on Sept 1st!


Bepotelkh Lore of the Month

While there is electricity in Silkkassa, it is not commonplace or expected, especially in more remote areas. Some things, like the train system, are largely powered by solar crystals.


REVAMPED! Patreon & server Boost rewards

There are a few Bepotelkh tiers on Herboreal's patreon which award you monthly (and/or quarterly) goodies like premium currency and Beast Boxes! Help support the site & its creators by subscribing! While some previews are provided for discord boosters, full previews are only provided on Patreon from the Beepersneeps Tier and up! Many, many hours go into the making of our game and the art + writing for it, so supporting us via patreon is a massive help. You gain access to the sponsor chat where we hold monthly sponsor-exclusive raffles, post early design WIPS and previews, and more!

You can also boost the Discord server and earn 1CG per boost per month, as well as access to the Sponsor chat. The sponsor chat get sneak peeks and sponsor-exclusive raffles. (We are thoroughly boosted at the moment!)

Beast Trials: King Cade Appears!

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Herboreal


King Cade & The Cicadles



In ages long before man
when animals and gods ruled the lands

There was one mighty king
Dressed with glamour and sheen

He let his children feast and his clan raise number

When the goddess looked down upon her domain
All but barren wastes were left behind the king’s reign

The goddess faced the king and his kith
“These lands you ruin were never yours to begin with”

“Until the end of time, for every 800 seasons you will slumber”

All aiti are familiar with this story as it is often sang to them as fawns. Eight hundred seasons is quite a long time for aiti and humans alike and soon they forget what the story forebodes.

On the longest, hottest day of the year, an ear splitting buzzing is heard. As the sun is directly above in the sky, a giant shadow is seen flying toward the nearest human village. As Aitielkh follow the buzzing, large blue beetles are seen all over the forest, deserts, mountains and swamps.

As aitielkh rush into the human villages, these beetles are even more present, and even with all the buzzing, the sound of chewing can be heard. A gigantic creature with sparkly wings, an impressive collar of fur, and a massive crown of horns seats himself on the tallest structure in the village.

“All of you silly things seem to forget, but King Cade never forgets. My children and I have been forced beneath the ground to slumber by your wretched goddess, but her powers could never make me succumb for good. Your wretched Goddess thinks my children only deserve to feast for the light of one day, but my wonderful children deserve to eat whatever they want, whenever they want. Since you ridiculous two legged creatures have come around, the landscapes have become far more fascinating. The more work you put into building your outlandish structures, the more delicious they are to my kin. And so, to show the goddess herself who here is king, we shall feast until nothing is left. Bon appétit”

As people and elkh alike start to panic, how does your aitielkh subdue the cicadles before they leave the villages and forests to splinters? At nightfall, King Cade and his Cicadles will return back to the earth to slumber, but the damage must be reduced before they eat everything!


Join in this Beast Trial with your aitielkh or habapi to earn Beast Boxes with special prizes! As always, if the group collectively meets the goal, every participant will receive an extra Lv2 Beast Box at the end of the event!

Track progress here!






Habapis Join Beast TrialS

Habapi can now participate in Beast Trials and they can earn their own Beast Box! Habapi only have one level of magic, and it is equivalent to Lv 2 aiti magic, so their boxes contain 2 Beast Tokens which can be used in the Beast Trial Shop to buy recipes to make additional Crystal Trait Potions! As a reminder, you can unlock your Habapis magic by doing Ruins Exploration Prompts.


Beetlehorn Antler, Fairy Wings, And Iridescence


New aitielkh Restricted traits:

  • Beetlehorn Antler: a single antler that grows from the forehead. Shaped one of two ways; reminiscent of a beetle horn.
  • Fairy Wings: Translucent, insect-like wings that shimmer. They may or may not have veins depending on your preference.
  • Iridescense: The fur, mane, hooves, or antlers take on an iridescent shimmer.

New habapi Crystal traits:

  • Beetlehorn: a single horn that grows from the forehead. Shaped one of two ways; reminiscent of a beetle horn.
  • Fairy Wings: Translucent, insect-like wings that shimmer. They may or may not have veins depending on your preference.
  • Iridescense: The fur, mane, horns, or hooves take on an iridescent shimmer.


  • The Cicadle companion is a special cicadle that showed restraint, eating only items found in nature, even under their king's rule. Blessed by aiti herself these shiny Cicadles have a big star on their back and a regular sleep cycle and lifespan. A perfect little friend for Aitielkh or regular elkh!



The reward for participating in this event is a beast box! The level of box you recieve for a prompt correlates directly to the magic your aitielkh used in said prompt. Beast boxes are gacha boxes with a chance of winning any one of the items inside of them. Chances are listed below.

Beast boxes include beast tokens as well! The amount you get corresponds to the level of beast box (lv 1 gets 1 token and so forth; habapi beast boxes always have two tokens). The beast token shop is open and will remain open July 1st through August 15th; you will be able to use your tokens to purchase the prizes unique to this event.

Beetlehorn Antler Potion: 7.69%
Fairy Wings Potion: 7.69%
 Iridescence Potion: 7.69%
Cicadle Companion: 15%
Aiti Rare Trait Potion (small): 30.76%
Tender Shoot Bundle: 30.76%


Beetlehorn Antler Potion: 15.3%
Fairy Wings Potion: 15.3%
 Iridescence Potion: 15.3%
Aiti Rare Trait Potion: 23%
Cicadle Companion: 30%


Beetlehorn Antler Potion: 25%
Fairy Wings Potion: 25%
 Iridescence Potion: 25%
Cicadle Companion: 25%


Habapi Beetlehorn Potion: 33.3%
Habapi Fairy Wings Potion: 33.3%
Habapi Iridescence Potion: 33.3%




Site Fixes/Updates

  • Getting Started page has been overhauled to be simplified and with updated information.
  • Fill Out Your Characters Profile prompt is now available under Mini Prompts
  • There is now a Storylines Guide
  • Birthday Box art and contents have been updated (may require a hard refresh to see)
  • Beast Token Box art has been updated (may require a hard refresh to see)
  • Companion Box art has been updated for all companions (may require a hard refresh to see)
  • Guides page has been overhauled
  • Design guides have been split up by species and updated
  • Habapi guide now has a guide to earning magic.
  • Rami now has masterlist art



This month's collectible plush is Kei's ambassador Milla!



  • THANK YOU for helping us raise a total of $665 for LGBTQ charities in June!
  • The Featured Character is updated on the front page!
  • There's a new Daily Calendar!
  • An exciting new feature for Beps & Sonos will be released for Autumnfound in September...
  • ...Which is why in August, we'll be encouraging you to work on Storyline prompts with a bonus!
  • New: A bit of worldbuilding information will now appear on every monthly news post!


Bepotelkh Lore of the Month

Fireworks in Silkkassa are more of a magic show! Magickers such as witches and mages may put on a show of quiet but gently-tinkling multicolor light displays high in the sky.


Patreon & server Boost rewards

There are a few Bepotelkh tiers on Herboreal's patreon which award you monthly goodies like premium currency! Help support the site & its creators by subscribing! While some previews are provided for discord boosters, full previews are only provided on Patreon from the Beepersneeps Tier and up! Many, many hours go into the making of our game and the art + writing for it, so supporting us via patreon is a massive help. You gain access to the sponsor chat where we hold monthly sponsor-exclusive raffles, post early design WIPS and previews, and more!

You can also boost the Discord server and earn 1CG per boost per month, as well as access to the Sponsor chat. The sponsor chat get sneak peeks and sponsor-exclusive raffles. (We are thoroughly boosted at the moment!)

Pride 2024 Charity Sale and Raffle

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Herboreal

pride month 2024 continues

guest artist charity sale

This year we have designs by Herboreal, Nopalrabbit, Key, Thy, Erose, and Mothling! Each artist has picked a LGBTQ+ charity to feature. The designs will be listed for a sliding scale: $60-$80 for the beps and $50-60 for the fawns. To "purchase" the design you will make a donation to the charity listed for the design and send a screenshot (crop out or black out any sensitive information please!!) to the guest artist, or Nopalrabbit via Discord.

Charities Featured by our GAs!
Miracle of Love
GLBT Historical Society
Transgender Law Center
Trans Lifeline

Note: If you are outside of the US and are having difficulty making donations outside of your country, you may arrange for the artist to make the donatio nfor you, or choose a charity local to your location, Just DM Nopalrabbit or Herboreal with info.

These lovely design will go up for sale Friday June 21st 10am PST


Charity custom raffle

Donate to ANY of the charities featured to be entered into a full custom character by Nopal!

Until the end of the June, if you make a $5 donation you will receive a raffle ticket to be entered for a custom character by Nopalrabbit. If you win you may choose one from the following:

  • Aiti custom with + 2 large rare trait + 1 small rare trait
  • Bep/Sono custom + 3 rare traits + unlimited uncommon traits
  • Habapi custom with bipedal form + 2 rare traits + unlimited uncommon traits

The winner may also add potions from their inventory to the custom. To enter please make a donation to ANY of the charities listed on this news post. Minimum donation is $5. You may donate in increments of $5 for more tickets. To receive your ticket/s you can either Send in a claim with a screenshot to your donation on via or Send a screenshot of your donation to either Nopalrabbit or Herboreal on discord. (Please make sure to crop out or black out any sensitive information please on your screenshot)

NOTE: If you have already made donations for the Limited Rainbow Clip accessory and a special user badge (see below) you will be automatically entered into the raffle (1 ticket per $5 donated)

limited pride month accessory and badGE


The limited Rainbow Clip accessory and a special user badge is still available for those who donate $5 or more to any of the following organizations and send in a claim (or DM herboreal on discord) with proof of donation:

NOTE: Donations for the accessory and badge will be automatically entered into the custom character raffle unless the user specifies they would not like tickets.

TOTAL RAISED (updated 6/30 6pm MST): $665

Thank you all for your support!!!

Habapi Ruins Restoration & Pride Month!

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by Herboreal

Habapi Ruins Restoration: Lar CANTIO

Historic Era (past) / Loss of Magic Era (current) / Reacquirement of Magic (restored)


New Prompts: Rewards & Magic!

As a reminder, exploration prompts must be done before restoration prompts!

With the ruins mostly explored, it is now time to work on restoring them to a state of use once again. There is one new area with both an exploration and restoration prompt for Creta magic! Completing the Creta prompts will result in your habapi earning a creta pot and creta chalk.

The creta pot canonically allows your habapi to create a kilnkin, but can also be used as subspace storage, allowing for limitless items to be transported and kept near.


A habapi using creta chalk to perform creta magic.

The creta chalk allows your habapi to do creta animation magic by drawing on a surface or in the air. The magic allows the habapi to animate inanimate objects.

Discovery: Forgotten Workshop

A thick layer of white dust covers the broken tables and chalk boards. Light and plants spill in through the cracked ceiling of the open room. On one side, what seems to be kilns are lined up, though no longer functional. On the other side broken cabinets with tools, and habapi records. There are many jars and barrels that used to hold various powders, now tipped over and mostly empty.

The Forgotten Workshop First Excursion and Restoration prompts are now available! These prompts are associated with Creta magic.

Discovery: Magic

As your habapi completes exploration and restoration prompts, they can earn magic which can be used in Beast Trials! Habapi will get their own special beast box. A new Beast Trial is coming in July, so hone your magic skills now!

Explore Again and Again!

Ruins prompts are now available to be repeated with the same or different habapi. If doing the prompt again you may exchange your UNOPENED record for a random crafting rune by sending the record attached to a claim.

Set your Habapi's Location to Home!

Lar Cantio has been added as a location, which you can now set in your Habapi's profile!


See WORLD >PROMPTS > Habapi Ruins

New Traits

A habapi with  Prismatic + Extra traits.

New craftable habapi traits include Glowing, Prismatic, and Extra.

Glowing: Creates a glowing appearance. One potion covers either Horns + Hooves OR fur markings (however, the design can have JUST glowing horns and not hooves or vice-versa).

Prismatic: Creates a prismatic appearance to the horns or hooves. The horns and/or hooves appear to be translucent crystal; may be tinted with a bit of color. When they catch the sunlight, these parts can give off rays of rainbow just like real crystals. (those who use CSP can see clip studios asset shop for prism brushes). One potion covers Horns + Hooves however, the design can have JUST prismatic horns and not hooves or vice-versa).

Extra: Lengthens horns, ears, tails, or mane. One potion applies to one area; i.e. one potion would apply only to the tail and you'd need an additional potion for  longer ears).

Habapi Fluff: The habapi has extra fur. This can appear somewhere on the body such as elbows, fetlocks, rump, eartips, chin, etc.

See HOME >Crafting

Kilnkin and Runebits

Kilnkin are companions made of clay using creta (animation) magic. They automatically gather a randomly generated amount of runebits daily, with a very rare chance of finding a whole rune. Obtain a kilnkin for your Habapi by crafting kilnkin schematics. Send the kilnkin schematics in as a claim, with your character attached, and your character will be provided their kilnkin which will drop daily runebits. See Rahowla's profile for an example.


  • Complete the exploration prompt (one prompt total) for The Forgotten Workshop to get a Creta pot recipe
  • Complete exploration and restoration prompt (two prompts total) for either Old Grove, Cracked Tower, Twin Springs, or Underground Forges to recieve a kilnkin heart
  • Craft kilnkin schematics
  • Send kilnkin schematics in as a claim with the appropriate character attached and a moderator will award your character the kilnkin.


Jungle Trader

Jungle Trader

A new shop has appeared! Baruna the habapi will trade you whole runes in exchange for your runebits. This new shop is permanent.

See WORLD >GILDE SHOPS >Jungle Trader


Updated Habapi Design guide

The habapi design guide has been updated to add more helpful information on designing bipedal forms!

See GUIDES >Design Guide

New Lore

Archivist Tamossa activating a record to read the information inside.

  • Habapi naming convention has been rediscoverd! The convention is (x)a(nature feature)a. For example: Tamossa (moss). Baruna (rune). Rahowla (howl). Faflora (flower). Please use this naming convention for your characters only if you want to; it is provided as a fun lore element and is not required! Habapi were separated from their records and culture for some time and may have picked up any variety of names along the way, and may choose to pick naming conventions from Bep or Human culture now too.
  • Kilnkin are all made with a Kilnkin Heart which is also made of fired clay. Though they do not speak and are not sentient, the clay heart rattles around inside of them, sounding like a ceramic bell, providing them a sort of voice or song.
  • Habapi records float between the front paws/hands and project the image in front of the user. Habapi writing is in a spiral. Records may contain any kind of information and commonly contain recipes.
  • MORE! See the Habapi species page.

See >WORLD >LORE >Species Guides >Habapi


Site Fixes/Updates

  • We're excited to announce that character pages now feature inventory items and character awards!
  • The character (letter) limit has also been increased on character links but should still remain at 300 characters or below; there is now a text line warning about this. You will still get a 500 error if you put too much text!
  • Encyclopedia pages for Accessory Categories and Award Categories now have image icons.
  • The aitielkh shop will now only be available during Month of the Aiti (January) annually. Aiti rare trait potions have a new home in the general shop.


Changes to Shaped Marking

Shaped marking is now a restricted trait, but you'll only need one potion to cover much more than the rare potion covered. The single marking may now have multiple elements to it such as a skeleton/spine marking within reason; if the marking covers more than 1/2 of the body, it will require an additional trait potion. Read more on the encyclopedia entry. The potion for this item is available in the CG shop for the forseeable future.


In lieu of Shaped Marking changing to a restricted trait, we still wanted some more commonly used "shaped" markings to be available as heritable traits, so we created Moon Mark and Star Mark (for both beps and sonos)!

Moon Mark: A secondary marking. A single moon-like mark anywhere on the body other than the mane. Can be any moon phase; can be light or dark.
Max 3 moon markings per design; each requiring a rare trait potion. This marking is not symmetrical meaning if it is on the left flank, it does not automatically appear on the right flank on the other side.

Star Mark: A secondary marking. A single star-like mark anywhere on the body other than the mane. Can be a 5-point or 4-point star; can be light or dark.
Max 3 star markings per design; each requiring a rare trait potion. This marking is not symmetrical meaning if it is on the left flank, it does not automatically appear on the right flank on the other side.

Other New Bep Traits

A few more heritable traits were added: Bloom, Blaze, and Tassel! You can read more about them in the Encyclopedia.

See WORLD >ENCYCLOPEDIA >All Traits (sort by newest for ease)


Summer Elkh Shop Update

The elkh shop has new seasonal accessories and a new monthly collectible plush toy!



Pride Month

  • Pride items have been restocked in the Elkh Shop and will be every year for the month of June only.
  • A guest artist charity sale will be June 21st.
  • A limited Rainbow Clip accessory and a special user badge is available for those who donate $5 or more to any of the following organizations and send in a claim (or DM herboreal on discord) with proof of donation:

TOTAL RAISED (updated 11am 5/1): $45



  • The Featured Character is updated on the front page!
  • There's a new Daily Calendar! Be sure to check in all month to get crafting runes and other Habapi items!
  • New cycle of items in the CG shop! NEW: Companions are now in the CG shop and rotate seasonally!
  • Hone your aitielkh magic skills now because next month is a new Beast Trial!
  • Pride items return to the Elkh Shop for June only!


Patreon & server Boost rewards

There are a few Bepotelkh tiers on Herboreal's patreon which award you monthly goodies like premium currency! Help support the site & its creators by subscribing! While some previews are provided for discord boosters, full previews are only provided on Patreon from the Beepersneeps Tier and up! Many, many hours go into the making of our game and the art + writing for it, so supporting us via patreon is a massive help. You gain access to the sponsor chat where we hold monthly sponsor-exclusive raffles, post early design WIPS and previews, and more!

You can also boost the Discord server and earn 1CG per boost per month, as well as access to the Sponsor chat. The sponsor chat get sneak peeks and sponsor-exclusive raffles. (We are thoroughly boosted at the moment!)

Return of The Lost Fawn

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by Herboreal

The LOst Fawn

One bright and sunny spring day, a group of fawns was playing out in the flower fields of Tuil. At some point, one of them went missing! Word of mouth spread quickly to all the elkh in the area to keep an eye out for a lost fawn, and so everyone was tasked with searching both the village and the surrounding fields and forest to find the young elkh! Reportedly, the other fawns did see a strange sight though... a  group of pollen packers carrying off a massive load of pollen?! Was that pollen ball fawn sized?! (Note that you can draw any elkh participating in this event regardless of where they're located!)

Pollen packers are wild and fluffy creatures that dine on pollen. They roll up collected pollen into a ball and carry it back to their homes to store for leaner months.



For every prompt, users will get standard prompt gildes, a random pollen packer companion, and a raffle ticket to enter for the lost fawn design. The winner will be able to choose from a set of color palettes for Herboreal to complete the final design. Details can be found on the prompt itself.



See WORLD > PROMPTS >Limited Prompts

Icon Contest Extension

The icon & emoji contest is being extended to May 15th. Please continue to share your emoji and discord icon ideas with us! (See previous news post for details)


Habapi Happenings

Thanks to the groups hard work, the Habapi ruins have been explored and some new features will be unlocked soon! Unfortunately, due to the emergency situation that arose for Timbre & Nopal in March, there will be a delay in releasing these features until we can get some art done for them. Thank you always for your patience!

This month's collectible plush toy is Huck!



Herboreal Commissions/Customs Update

Commissions have obviously been open scarcely this year due to my health issues. I am finding less time and energy to work. In order to be kinder to myself, I am discontinuing the ping list and "first come first served" commissions in favor working from google forms. The forms will be linked in the Bep discord anytime I open commissions. Users send in their requests for commissions and I choose based on what I feel up to working on/what suits my abilities. This means some requests may be skipped. I know this is a big change and I appreciate grace as I continue to navigate balancing my health issues with serving the group.



Work Permit Changes

Due to some very exciting upcoming changes to the ARPG, work permit prices have increased and can now only be bought twice a year in order to emphasize participation & character development.



  • The Featured Character is updated on the front page!
  • There's a new Daily Calendar!
  • Fawn sale by Herboreal coming soon!
  • This is the last month to pick up any Spring accessories or giftwrap from the Elkh Shop, and the current cyle of items in the CG shop.


Patreon & server Boost rewards

There are a few Bepotelkh tiers on Herboreal's patreon which award you monthly goodies like premium currency! Help support the site & its creators by subscribing!
You can also boost the Discord server and earn 1CG per boost per month, as well as access to the Sponsor chat. The sponsor chat get sneak peeks and sponsor-exclusive raffles.

Icon & Emoji Contest + Storyline Bonus Month!

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by Herboreal

Storyline focus Event

Art by MouseinSweater

Storyline Focus Event is back! During these months, you may earn bonus currency for completing Storyline prompts without worrying about missing out on any special events. We hope to have these temporary bonuses occasionally during months where other events aren't scheduled. Storyline prompts include: Village Stories, Wild Pact, Oasis Dreams, The Desert Trail, Followers of Aiti, Trail of Mushroms, and Jungle Delights.

When you submit your prompt, the bonus reward you get (in addition to standard currency) will be randomly generated.

50% chance: 3 Gildes
25% chance: 5 Gildes
20% chance: 7 Gildes
5% chance: 1 Crystal Gilde

Reminder: Recieve a 10CG award for completing any Storylines Path! This reward is available all year.



Icon & Emoji Contest

The current server icon

We'd like to freshen up our server icon on discord, as well as add some new emoji! We welcome you to submit your entries to the Event Art >Icon & Emoji Contest gallery. You can use Kord or other NPCs in your entries!

The current server emoji

Rules & Specifications:

  • 128x128px is the size for discord emoji
  • 512x512px is the size for a discord icon
  • You may enter up to 3 server icon entries
  • You may enter up to 7 server emoji entries
  • Icon and emoji entries must be your own art but can be based on popular/standard emoji
  • Submissions must be posted to the gallery before May 1st
  • Submit to Event Art >Icon & Emoji Contest gallery and THEN:
  • Submit links to your entries as a prompt (Icon & Emoji Contest prompt in Limited Prompts)
  • Entries receive 4 gildes per emoji and 6 gildes per icon each (in addition to the 1g gallery bonus)

Discord Icon Winner: 100 gildes, 20 CG, All Purpose Restricted Trait Potion

Discord Emoji Winner - Herboreal's Favorite: 50 gildes, 10 CG, Stars of Aiti Potion
Discord Emoji Winner - Nopalrabbit's Favorite: 50 gildes, 10 CG, Debris Bunny Companion


See GALLERY > EVENT ART > Icon & Emoji Contest gallery
See WORLD > PROMPTS > Limited Prompts

Habapi Happenings

Thanks to the groups hard work, the Habapi ruins have been explored and some new features will be unlocked soon! Unfortunately, due to the emergency situation that arose for Timbre & Nopal last month, there will be a delay in releasing these features until we can get some art done for them. Thank you always for your patience!

This month's collectible plush toy is Tuuli!




  • The Featured Character is updated on the front page!
  • There's a new Daily Calendar!
  • Guest Artist design sale going up April 26! There will be a preview on discord the day before.
  • Beast Trials will be taking a break for the spring due to the long string of events. Look forward to a new summer Beast Trial!


Patreon & server Boost rewards

There are a few Bepotelkh tiers on Herboreal's patreon which award you monthly goodies like premium currency! Help support the site & its creators by subscribing!
You can also boost the Discord server and earn 1CG per boost per month, as well as access to the Sponsor chat. The sponsor chat get sneak peeks and sponsor-exclusive raffles.

Sono Races and Goodie Bags!

Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by Nopalrabbit


Sonoelkh Races 2024

Sonoelkh all over Miatias have been practicing all year for this year's sono race! Sign up your sonoelkh and complete tasks for your elkh to compete in the big race! Each task gets you closer to the goal!


Casa Climb


Casa sonos, with their short legs, are not built to run fast or for long distances. What they are good at is nimbly climbing steep surfaces! A course has been created on the mountainside near Tama, with bright pennant markers to indicate the course direction.


how to participate

Players may enter their Miatian elkh into Sono Races (for Sonoelkh and sonoelkh-hybrids) and The Casa Climb (for Casa Sonos and casa sono-hybrids). Players may enter either race, or both, up to 4 characters total. The race is run by randomly generated dice rolls (4 sided).  For each "Task" you complete your character gets 1 dice roll. You may only complete 4 tasks total, but if you complete all 4, you get a bonus roll (5 rolls total).

The first task is to Get Your Number! Please Reply to THIS COMMENT and state which character(s) you'd like to sign up and for which race they will be in. A mod will then add you to our spreadsheet where we will keep track of the racer's completed tasks. The Racer's number will be thir ML number (but feel free to draw/write them with different a dfferen number if you wish). The races are for non-magical elkh (no aiti), hybrids are allowed but the character should be a resident of the southern continent of Miatias!

To complete more Tasks you can submit prompts, which will award you more dice rolls in the race. There is a variety of prompts with different requirements (many do not require backgrounds). You may only do up to three prompts for each racer (however, you may repeat the same prompt if you have multiple racers.)  The prompts are titled "Sono Races" but are for both Sono Races and Casa Climb. When submitting prompts please remember to add your racer to the prompt submission under "characters" (Do not add any other characters, even if they appear in the prompts, this is so the mods know who to award the task to.)

The Sono races and Casa Climb prompts will be available to do from Friday March 1st to Saturday March 30th. The day after the event ends (Sunday March 31) Nopal will run the races live in our discord chat!



  • First place gets a semi-custom from their choice of either Herboreal, Nopal or Key (unlimited uncommon slot; moodboard; no revisions) 80 gildes, a special award badge for their racer and a Fast Fuzzy companion.
  • Second place gets an All Purpose Restricted Trait Potion, 60 Gildes, a special award badge for their racer and a Fast Fuzzy companion.
  • Third place gets a Rare Trait Potion, 40 Gildes, a special award badge for their racer and a Fast Fuzzy companion.


  • First place gets a semi-custom from either Herboreal, Nopal or Key** (unlimited uncommon slot; moodboard; no revisions) 80 gildes, a special award badge for their racer and a Fast Fuzzy companion.
  • Second place gets an All Purpose Restricted Trait Potion, 60 Gildes, a special award badge for their racer and a Fast Fuzzy companion.
  • Third place gets a Rare Trait Potion, 40 Gildes, a special award badge for their racer and a Fast Fuzzy companion.

** The Casa Climb first place winner will pick from the two remaining artists after the Sono Race winner picks. This is so we do not overburden our artists, thank you for understanding!

All Racers who complete at least one prompt will receive a Participation Badge and Sura Roadrunner companion at the end of the event!




a "fawn" day at the races

This month for Sono Races we have a special Fawn prompt! Draw or Write about your fawn going to the Sono Races or Casa Climb event! For completing this prompt your fawn will get a Sono Races Souvenir Bandana as well as a Growth Ticket. The prompt can only be done once per fawn and the fawn must be a resident of Miatias.

See WORLD > PROMPTS > LIMITED PROMPTS > A "Fawn" Day at the Races


Spring 2024 Accessories & March Plush Collectible

This spring (March, April, May), you can find the Rainy and Frogpond sets in the Elkh Shop! Each set consists of a waxed shawl "rain jacket" with silver embroidery, as well as painted wooden mane (or tail) clips.

The collectible plush toy this month is Ambassador Lita in honor of the Sono Races!

See WORLD >Elkh Shop


Habapi Happenings

As Habapi return to their old home, many are re-learning how to use their ancestors crafting runes. Maybe something good will happen if all the current locations have been collectively explored by the group...



Annual Goodie Bag Fundraiser Returns!

Goodie bags are back for this month only! Grab them in the USD shop (be sure to DM Herboreal on discord to let her know you made a purchase, especially if your ko-fi username is different from your discord or site username, as they have to be hand-delivered!)  Your purchases help keep the site running and help us continue to bring you new features! We have some really exciting stuff planned for this year; helping us cover costs of site upkeep, development, and our own cost of living is massively helpful to our ability to bring those plans to life.


All possible bag contents are listed on the appropriate encyclopedia entries. Please read carefully so you understand what quantity of items you'll recieve!

-Bep Goodie Bag
(Gildes, CG, a retired accessory, a retired companion)
-Aiti Goodie Bag
(A magic crystal, a random beast trial potion, a random retired aiti companion or  enchanted accessory)
-Habapi Goodie Bag
(A habapi MYO or Breeding ticket, 2 random crafting runes, and one recipe-locked crystal trait potion)
-Plush Goodie Bag
(2CG and a random plush accessory)

The new Plush Goodie Bag contains exclusive plush that will not be sold in the elkh shop or otherwise be easily obtainable!
These plush feature friends we've met during Beast Trials: Villoso, Valasong, Ulpukka, Meridias, Lightning Master, and Furcifer!



Sono Trait artwork adjustments

Herboreal has updated the traits and artwork for a number of sono traits including all the ear types (to better portray the size of the ears), and to provide alternate versions of gilde traits so it's more obvious that they are also available for sonoelkh to use. The affected traits include cloudy mane, cloudy tail, ringlet mane, ringlet tail, cloudy marking, saddle marking, dorsal marking, dun marking, cinnamon roll marking, furry ears, and puffy ears.

See RESOURCES >Bepotelkh Visual Trait Index


Other Fixes/Updates

  • Dark mode crafting legibility issue fixed
  • Crafting page visuals updated
  • Crafting added to navigation (under HOME)
  • Companions added to navigation (under HOME)
  • Habapi trait index added to navigation (under RESOURCES)


New Feature: USer Shops

You can now open your own shop to sell potions you've crafted, or items you've collected that you don't need!

  • See HOME > My Shops to edit your shop
  • WORLD > All User Shops to view user shops
  • HOW TO USE: Set up your shop under HOME > My Shops first, and then go to HOME >Inventory and click "Quick Stock" on the upper right. Then, return to "My Shops" to price your inventory.
  • Advertise your shop in the discord using the User Shops channel if you like!

See RESOURCES >Bepotelkh Visual Trait Index




  • Seasonal wrapping papers have been rotated
  • The Featured Character is updated on the front page!
  • There's a new Daily Calendar!
  • Beast Trials will be taking a break for the spring due to the long string of events. Look forward to a new summer Beast Trial!
  • Commissions update: Herboreal is still struggling with health difficulties, so commission openings continue to be on hold. Thank you for your patience.


Patreon & server Boost rewards

There are a few Bepotelkh tiers on Herboreal's patreon which award you monthly goodies like premium currency! Help support the site & its creators by subscribing!
You can also boost the Discord server and earn 1CG per boost per month, as well as access to the Sponsor chat. The sponsor chat get sneak peeks and sponsor-exclusive raffles.

Beast Trials Wrap-Up: New Features!

Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by Nopalrabbit


Meridias and the return of Habapi Magics


Having learned how to heal corruption from the mages of Lunerest, the Aitielkh gathered around Meridias and purged her of the corruption as well as woke her from her magic-induced slumber. Thankfully, the dragon was powerful enough that the corruption was not permanent. Before even speaking, Meridias looked around and spotted the Habapi on the fringes of the corrupted area and her lithe form glided over in an instant. Tatera was quickly apprehended.


"I didn't do anything!" she gasped. Meridias brought her face down close and examined the little habapi, then rose her head up once more, squinting, and released her. Though she resembled someone Meridias once knew, and was wearing their bracelet, this was clearly not the same habapi.

"I see many years have passed since your descendants betrayed me, failed to heed my warnings, and tried to extract more power than they needed from the crystal."

Habapi and Elkh alike looked taken aback. After around 300 years, and with the habapi losing most of their magic and culture, the information was lost to time. Tatera, descended from the last leaders of the habapi, had some awareness and knew this reckoning was at hand, but she stayed, knowing it had to be faced. She stood up and dusted off, boldly facing Meridias but also trembling.

"On behalf of my ancestors, I am sorry. I hope that we can once again earn your goodwill and guidance by making things right once more."

The other nearby habapi looked around in confusion. What work were they expected to do, and how? They were not even aware of just how much of a shadow they were of their once powerful people.

"We'll talk later. Right now, we have to repair the crystal, and, My Children, you are clearly in no state to assist."

Being referred to as Meridias' children immediately choked Tatera with tears as the massive dragon turned and walked away. Things might be okay after all!

Meridias spoke with Vesper and the other aitielkh for some time before they all focused efforts on healing the crystal. The habapi watched from the surrounding jungle, murmuring amongst eachother, and then falling quiet as they started to feel something strange. Though this generation had never experienced having the level of magic their ancestors did, they knew: their magic was returning to them!

And then...

Once the crystal was repaired, the Habapi were fully healed. However, they had centuries of knowledge to recover, relationships to repair (with Meridias and now the Aitielkh), and moreover, they had no idea how to use their magic. It will take time and work for each Habapi to explore the ruins of their old home and uncover the story of their past and re-learn their capabilities. They can more easily spend time in bipedal form, and many more exciting possibilities are opening up for them now!

See Meridias' updated Figure page here.
(Complete with adornments given and placed upon her by habapi!)
See Tatera here.


  • Habapi Ruins prompts are now unlocked
  • habapi crystal traits are now unlocked
  • Habapi crafting is now unlocked
  • Habapi breeding is now unlocked
  • Habapi magic (???) is coming
  • Habapi who learn magic can participate in Beast Trials
  • Habapi constructs (???) are coming in the future
  • Habapi storylines can be found here
  • The corruption plaguing Silkkassa should now be sealed within the crystal


Habapi Breeding

You can now breed Habapi using a Habapi Breeding Ticket, available in the General Shop. The resulting design is insta-grown, so no need to worry about an in-between "fawn" stage for this species. Habapi Breeding will use similar mechanics to bep breeding (rolled in the discord by Nopal) but some things will be different. The player may pick two kept traits when submitting the breeding, however they cannot pick Habapi Crystal traits as one of their two traits. Habapi Crystal traits (see more below) can be inheritable by chance (RNG) unless either both parents have the trait or the player uses a "Blessed Bead" breeding item to automatically pass the trait down.


New Habapi Traits

Base traits

There are new nose and pupil traits available now! Find the visual trait index here.

Crystal Traits

Crystal traits are now available via crafting! Some recipes are automatically unlocked; others will need to be unlocked by doing prompts. All will require using crafting materials which will be obtainable via prompts immediately (as well as via the advent calendar this month), with other options available in the future. Crystal traits work a little differently than Aiti Rare traits and Restricted traits so be sure to read the specifics on the encyclopedia! More Habapi Crystal Trait recipes will be introduced in the future via prompts, events and beast trials.

(a habapi with metallic horns)


Habapi Crafting

Crafting will be added to the navigation soon; for now, you can find the page here.
With the crafting feature, players can now collect crafting materials and bring them together to make new items using recipes! We're excited for all the possibilities of this feature for the game as a whole, starting with crafting Habapi Crystal Traits!


Habapi ruins prompts

After healing Meridias and the corruption she faced, the habapi felt their magic powers coming back, but had no knowledge of how to use it! With the southen dragon's encouragement the habapi returned to their old home deep in the jungle to find secrets of their past culture. Meridias and Tatera explained to the habapi that the little stone runes they found scattered about the jungle and the habapi's old collapsed home were known as Crafting Runes, and that they can store and amplify the habapi's inert magical ability.

Along the ruins, many habapi found funny glass disks, a little smaller than the size of a habapi hand. The disks featured twisted dyed rope, though many were missing rope due to passing of time, and a large hole in the middle. Nearly naked to the eye, super fine etching can be seen along the surface of these disks.

Tatera explained that these were called called records by their ancestors, and that they hold information however she did not know how to retrieve the information off of them. With her giant claw Meridias showed the little habapi how the records work, that they could be placed in the air with magic, and how once placed, the record would project written information on a surface, such as a wall, rock or the ground. These records are strewn all over the ruins and the Habapi must return to gather and clean up the mess they left behind.

Watch out for updates while the Habapi's past unfolds and more prompts are added!


New Aiti Rare Traits

Two new aiti rare traits have been released! Metallic Fur, which gives the overall coat of the aiti a metallic sheen (obtained via Aiti rare potion) and Shaped Pupil, which allows the pupil to becomes any (world/lore appropriate) shape ex: moon, leaf, heart, etc. (Obtained via Small aiti rare potion)


A quick note on new features

Nopal and I have been a bit under the weather for a few months, so we're more behind than we would like on things. Some features involving Habapi may come sporadically, including later this month or at future dates. We appreciate your patience as we slowly flesh this species out!

Crafting is also brand-new, so it may need some things worked out, such as balancing crafting materials needed for recipes. You may see the number of materials needed fluctuate as we feel out what is most balanced for players.




  • A new monthly collectible plush is available in the Elkh Shop
  • The Featured Character is updated on the front page!
  • There's a new Daily Calendar!
  • Sono races start next month (March!)


Patreon & server Boost rewards

There are a few Bepotelkh tiers on Herboreal's patreon which award you monthly goodies like premium currency! Help support the site & its creators by subscribing!
You can also boost the Discord server and earn 1CG per boost per month, as well as access to the Sponsor chat. The sponsor chat get sneak peeks and sponsor-exclusive raffles.