Beast Trials! Autumnfound Continues! New Raffle! More!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Herboreal

Aiti beast trials RETURN!

This event requires your aitielkh to use their magic to subdue corrupted creatures. As the creature is subdued, aitielkh are awarded Magic Points, which will affect the outcome of the battle. You can track how far the group has come via the Events Tracking page.
You can see the events page by going to World > World Map > Events! Here's a direct link.

Full instructions can be found on the prompts page, by going to World > Prompts > Limited Prompts > Aiti Beast Trial 3.

Reminder that if you do not have an aitielkh, you can use Ambassador Noe once to earn a lv1 Beast Box!


Furcifur is our "beast" for the Fall 22 Beast Trials. You can find Furcifer by going to World Map > Figures.

Beast Boxes

The reward for participating in this battle is a beast box! The level of box you recieve for a prompt correlates directly to the level of magic your aitielkh used in said prompt. Beast boxes are gacha boxes with a chance of winning any one of the items inside of them. Chances are listed below.

Beast boxes include beast tokens as well! The amount you get corresponds to the level of beast box (lv 1 gets 1 token and so forth). The beast token shop will open November 1st and remain open for 1 month; you will be able to use your tokens to purchase the fuzzy familiar, spade tail, bat wings, and dark sclera potions.

Aiti rare trait potion (small) - 22.22% chance
Spectral Bats - 22.22% chance
Fuzzy Familiar- 22.22% chance
Dark Sclera Potion- 11.11% chance
Bat Wing Potion- 11.11% chance
Spade Tail Potion- 11.11% chance

Spectral Bats - 25% chance
Dark Sclera Potion- 25% chance
Bat Wing Potion- 25% chance
Spade Tail Potion- 25% chance

Dark Sclera Potion- 33.33% chance
Bat Wing Potion- 33.33% chance
Spade Tail Potion- 33.33% chance

Furcifer Aiti Traits

The featured prizes in this round of Beast Trials are three different trait potions! These potions can be applied to aitielkh/sonoaitielkh only. They will, respectively, give your aitielkh a spade tail (which can appear in one of three ways shown on the trait page), bat wings, or dark scleras.


Autumnfound Continues!

Team Pumpkin Pie vs Team Tricky Treat!

  • Starting on October 25th, you will be able to sign up for the !!!Giving Gala!!! which returns in November. For those who are new players, Giving Gala operates similarly to ArtFight; players are divided up into teams (team Pumpkin Pie- led by Ket, and team Tricky Treat- led by Leonja) and must "attack" one another with gift art to earn acorns to spend in the Autumnfound Shop! Details and signup will appear in a news post October 25th.
  • For this month, we wanted to focus on Beast Trials, but you can also continue to create and submit Autumnfound prompts all season!
  • You can still do the scavenger hunt to earn acorns and a restricted trait potion gacha box!
  • As a reminder, the Autumnfound Shop will remain open the entire season, closing the morning of December 1st.

AUtumnfound Scavenger Hunt

Our Autumnfound scavenger hunt is back and elkh from all over are handing out the items! Can you find all 10?
Start with this clue to begin your hunt: This red bep lives in Kutoa and has a quiver of arrows.
The items are hiding in the elkh's profiles, inquire in the discord server if you need help and a mod will DM you!
Remember to open your scavenger hunt items once you find them!

Here is the scavenger hunt page to keep track of your progress.



Witchsy has provided us an adorable new bep to raffle off! Enter to win by making gift art! Full instructions are in World > Prompts > Limited Prompts. See entries by going to Browse >Raffles.



Odds & Ends

-New Redesign Potion (small) is available in the General shop. This is for a partial elkh redesign (colors only).
-New Outline trait (uncommon) was added in August
-New Nub antlers trait (uncommon) was added in August
-New Featured character is on the homepage
-Shroomkin now have Autumnfound prompts available with cute costume rewards (see Limited Prompts)


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