Crystal Gildes
Crystal gildes (CG) are a special currency that is only occasionally earnable in-game. They can be used in the Crystal Gilde Shop to buy special items like restricted traits or other things generally not available regularly other than by random chance prizes.
Ways to Get CG
Joining Herboreal's kofi at the Beepersneeps tier or higher tiers will earn you monthly CG as long as you are a paying member. These are paid out on the first or second day of every month.
Server Boosting
Boosting is a feature of discord nitro that allows the chat to enjoy more perks. Boosting the Bepotelkh server will earn you 1 monthly CG for as long as you continue boosting.
Storyline prompts
Upon completeing your elkh's main storyline prompt, (Village Stories, Wild Pact, Oasis Dreams or The Desert Trail) you will receive a bonus of 10 CG.
USD Shop
You can purchase CG directly with USD in the USD shop. Be sure to DM herboreal or nopal on discord afterward so we can deliver your purchase.