Table of Contents
Ascended Aitielkh
Lore: Aitielkh who have gone above and beyond to master every type of magic may choose to embrace their Ascended form! This dragon-like form naturally comes with a larger and elongated body, as well as front (and sometimes rear) clawed paws. This form can naturally fly whether wings are present or not, and all Ascended aiti are drawn toward Wish's Rest and the Wish Temple.
In-Game: Complete all magic trials with one Aitielkh (including using magic crystals) and you can then submit an Ascended form to the Masterlist. You can choose whether this image is the primary or secondary image (cannot be both as there are different trait sets).
Anatomy: The Aiti increases in size, has an elongated body, a longer tail, and front paws (may also have back paws if you choose). They retain all their base traits, markings, and colors but have a variety of optional inherent or crafted traits to add (see below). In this form, their teeth also stay the same and they continue their vegetarian ways.
A Big Decision
Becoming Ascended comes with a new form, but it also comes with responsibilities. Ascended aitielkh can hear and grant certain wishes of others on earth. It is an awesome power that would warm the heart of anyone! Granted wishes also return to the elkh in the form of a crystalized wish which can be used to make potions.
However, wish granting may also feel like a burden to some. Being near villages or herds may result in a cacaphony of wishes being heard. A sense of overwhelm is always looming, and it may be difficult to spend time near old friends on earth. One may think of Lord Wiikset in this instance; a beast who needs to hibernate in order to get peaceful rest.
For those who are loners at heart, being Ascended may be a treat. They need not interact with anyone to grant wishes (and additionally are forbidden from being seen by humans), and in fact, staying away from others may provide a sense of peace. Wish's Rest is not a densely populated place, and provides a respite for Ascended aitis where they cannot hear one anothers wishes and can laze by waterfalls in the sun and graze on flowers all day long.
Ascended Aitielkh become ascended by making a pact with Aiti herself, agreeing they will use their form for good. Ascended Aitis, and even Aitis who have simply mastered all magics, are highly powerful beings. Ascension is a way to channel that power into positive good while giving these long-lived beings purpose.
Lore: Ascended aitielkh can return to their original form if they wish. They will maintain their Ascended status, but can freely switch between the two. Ascended Aitielkh can fly, even without wings.
In-Game: Ascended aiti may have additional traits their original form did not have; these traits do not translate back to the original form. For example, multi legs would not appear on an Aitielkh, and if an Ascended restricted trait potion was applied to the Ascended form, that would also not translate back to the Aitielkh form.
On the MASTERLIST: As far as the masterlist is concerned, the Ascended form can either become the main image or can be a secondary image (both cannot be on the same image). The procedure for submitting the Ascended form is visiting the Aiti's masterlist page and clicking "UPDATE DESIGN", which you will find is similar to submitting a MYO design. Please specify if you want the image to be the primary image or secondary image; the primary image will be the one displayed immediately and also is the thumbnail. The secondary image is only visible by clicking "IMAGES" on the masterlist entry.
Ascended aitielkh are larger than aitielkh, have longer bodies, front paws (5 digits), and may or may not have some exaggerated features.
The pawpads of ascended hearken back to their original hooved forms. Their teeth remain the same as ever (no upper incisors, flat herbivore teeth), and they continue their herbivorous ways. They do not need to shed their antlers yearly.
Ascended aitielkh are not eligible for breeding. You may instead get fawns by breeding their aitielkh form.
Lore: Ascended Aitielkh can achieve some very fantastical looks because of their magic mastery and ability to create potions, so there is a bit of a competitive culture between some individuals in Wish's Rest. Some Ascended go all-out to look as spectacular as they can imagine just to showcase their magic abilities and potionmaking prowess! Others choose to stick close to their original aiti forms and have little interest in changing.
In-Game: Ascended Aitielkh keep most of their base traits (ears, antlers, tail, mane) with the exception of the possibility of changing to dragonmane in Ascended form. Exciting traits can also be exaggerated; some of them naturally (longer tail and mane); some of them via Ascended Trait Potion (bigger antlers).
Inherent Traits
Inherent traits are not listed on the masterlist or trait index.
-longer body
-front paws
-longer tail
-longer mane
-belly scales
-rear hooves or paws
-dragon whiskers
Crafted (Ascended) Traits
Ascended traits are obtained via an Ascended Trait Potion and are listed on the masterlist and trait index.
-dragon scales
-multi legs
-multi antlers
-extra long body
-bigger antlers
-multi ears
-multi tails
-prismatic (antlers/hooves)
-galaxy (antlers/hooves)
-ascended halo
-starlight blessing
-Patterns and constellations can show or not (optional)
-Flowercrowns can show or not (optional) or can change shape
-Flowercrown gemstone can be held as a relic in the shape of a pearl
-Base traits cannot change (mane/ears/antler type/tail) Dragonmane and Restricted traits (using a potion) are the exception
-Existing traits can be exaggerated: mane can be longer, extra fluff, torso longer, tail longer
-Traits applied to ascended form ONLY apply to ascended form
Lore: The crystalized form of wishes from earth which have been granted by Ascended Aitis. These can be dropped into the Wish Well to create crafted traits.
In-Game: Once your Aitielkh has an Ascended form on the masterlist, they will have daily "drops" activated which you can collect from their masterlist entry by clicking "Collect Materials". Collecting these daily drops will allow you to craft traits using the Crafting feature on the site. Ascended Aitis can craft Ascended trait potions and general Restricted Traits that apply to elkh, as well as an All-Purpose Restricted Trait Potion that only applies to Ascended Aitis.
Wish's Rest
Art by LordStarryFace
Glimmering waterfalls spilling from one island onto another, ruined structures and gardens grown wild describe most of Wish's Rest. Unable to be seen from below, Wish's Rest is composed of deeply magical islands in the sky over Silkkassa and Miatias. The Wish Temple and nearby islands are over the ocean between the two land masses. Any being who attempts to approach these places becomes disoriented and lost in a fog unless they have full magic mastery.
Beacon and the Wish Temple
Beacon is a longtime Ascended Aiti and caretaker of the Wish Temple. She delights in caring for the gardens and patiently guides new Ascendeds as they arrive. She wears lanterns to call the newly fledged to her and to the temple to receive guidance. She is full of many years of wisdom, secrets, names, and faces. Those meeting her newly might find they feel suddenly humbled, but also oddly at peace. Beacon is fairly unflappable, and behaves in more of a trickster-y way if someone is being challenging, tasking them with learning a lesson about their behavior or beliefs rather than fighting or admonishing.
She has a vast catalogue of knowledge but will only share it if prompted, opting to say only what needs to be said in the moment. Her main concern in life is caring for Wish's Rest and guiding (and caring for) Ascended Aitielkh.
The Wish Temple is where ascended go to turn crystalized wishes into their own wishes, in a way. By placing certain combinations of wishes into the wish well, one can create new items such as potions.
Lore: Ascended Aitielkh have been through many years and many trials. They possess a depth of wisdom and experience, as well as amazing magical power. Their experiences and magic may crystalize into a physical object they keep with them as an Ascended. In Beacon's case, it's a lantern.
In-Game: This object can be anything canon-appropriate, or it can be the flowercrown gemstone. It can be drawn on the Aiti on the masterlist art or not. It should be something they can carry easily with one paw. This is entirely optional and not required!