Comments on Hollygiving, New Avis Express Prompt, More!

Tav Avatar

Oleander (Bep-1532) gives holly to Papillion (Bep-1822, Majeste), Julian (Bep-1873, Majeste) and Sequoia (Bep-1852, Finpaw).
Fell (Bep-1556) gives holly to Sloyan (Bep-1573), Mirje (Bep-1064) and Gheist (Bep-891) = 3x mothling
Gallus (Bep-1137) gives out holly to Eohvo (Bep-1554, HeronDreams), (Bep-1897, RemRain) and Bjarni (Bep-1003, Wyska).

2024-12-15 08:46:27 (Edited 2024-12-15 08:49:11)

Pandelirious Avatar
Pandelirious Staff Member

Bundles delivered! 8D

2024-12-16 11:47:30