Claim (#2218) Approved

25 November 2024, 09:23:06 MST (2 months ago)
25 November 2024, 09:25:16 MST (2 months ago) by Herboreal


4 uncommon, 2 rare and eye sparkle potion !


Reward Amount



These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Trait Potion (Rare) Trait Potion (Rare) Claimed from Yule Dailies day 25 by BlossomBeast. Claimed 25 December 2023, 02:07:24 MST 1
Trait Potion (Uncommon) Trait Potion (Uncommon) Claimed from Yule Dailies day 30 by BlossomBeast. Claimed 30 December 2023, 00:01:56 MST 1
Trait Potion (Uncommon) Trait Potion (Uncommon) Claimed from April Dailies day 15 by BlossomBeast. Claimed 15 April 2024, 03:03:14 MST 1
Eye Sparkle Potion Eye Sparkle Potion Purchased from Sunder's Selection by BlossomBeast for 5 Crystal Gilde. Purchased 17 May 2024, 09:10:15 MST 1
Trait Potion (Rare) Trait Potion (Rare) Received rewards from opening Mosstopped Recruitment Box N/A 1
Trait Potion (Uncommon) Trait Potion (Uncommon) Purchased from Autumnfound Shop by BlossomBeast for 10 Acorn. Purchased 8 November 2024, 10:14:12 MST 2

BlossomBeast's Bank

Currency Quantity