Claim (#1793) Approved

4 May 2024, 11:54:05 MST (9 months ago)
10 May 2024, 15:22:22 MST (9 months ago) by Nopalrabbit


Moonlight + Rem Twin fawns (1/2 cannon)
Parents: Bep-1729: Fyllia + Bep-1257: Kaldi

Resin for Corsican (Uncommon) on both fawns

For Moonlights Fawn
Keeping: Curled Tail + Piebald (Sono)

For Rems Fawn
Keeping: Long tail + Combo (agate/stripe)


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for Bep-1257: Kaldi

Bep-1257: Kaldi

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for Bep-1729: Fyllia

Bep-1729: Fyllia

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Creosote Bundle Creosote Bundle Received rewards from opening Rare Item Gacha Box N/A 1
Fawn Breeding Fawn Breeding Purchased from General Shop by MoonlightLillies for 30 Gildes. Purchased 4 May 2024, 10:56:39 MST 1
Resin Incense Resin Incense Purchased from Redd's Reclaimed Retail by RemRain for 3 Crystal Gilde. Purchased 4 May 2024, 11:21:28 MST 1

MoonlightLillies's Bank

Currency Quantity